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Stiftung Kloster Dalheim - LWL-Landesmuseum fur Klosterkultur

Attraction · Landmarks

Am Kloster 9, 33165 Lichtenau, North Rhine-Westphalia Germany


  • “Ein sehr, sehr schönes Museum. Unbedingt den Audioguide benutzen. Dieser macht den Besuch noch schöner. Die Ausstellung …” Read more

  • “Auf dem Heimweg von Kassel einfach mal von der Autobahn abgefahren, um das Kloster zu besichtigen. Es hat sich wirklich …” Read more

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Was bedeutet Klosterkultur? Eine Definition. von Martin Erdmann. Die Klosterkultur zeigt sich historisch als Erfahrungshorizont, der trotz aller Wellenbewegungen eine große Beständigkeit aufweist, wie auch als Experimentalraum, denn im Laufe der Geschichte – gestern wie heute – haben Klöster auf ihre Zeit reagiert und standen in Wechselwirkung mit der Zeit.

What does monastic culture mean? A definition. by Martin Erdmann. Historically, monastic culture reveals itself as a horizon of experience, which, despite all the wave movements, shows great consistency, and also as an experimental space, because in the course of history – yesterday as today – monasteries have reacted to and interacted with their times.

Rutger Sycamber from Vernay (1456-1514?) joined the Windesheim congregation at the age of 20. But instead of remaining at his chosen monastery (Höningen in central Germany) he elected to divide his time between a considerable number of monasteries in his own chapter over a period of more than 10 years. In 1494 he took to writing, completing close on 200 books in the further course of his life ...

For the opening of the new permanent exhibition in the Landes-museum für Klosterkultur, a large-scale interactive media installation shows what a coenobite had to leave behind upon entering a monastery. By passing the monastery gates, the visitor can experience how the media noise slowly fades away. To demonstrate the “before” and “after ...